Education & Research

A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study to Evaluate the Effects of KSM-66 Ashwagandha capsule (300 mg) on Skin and Hair Health in Healthy Men and Women

Dr. Sharmila Pati

The traditional medicinal systems have used herbal therapies to treat hair and skin conditions since ancient time. Multiple studies have discovered anti-inflammatory and wound healing activities in substances extracted from plants. More than a thousand plant species have been studied for their benefit in hair care including Ashwagandha plant. The roots of the Ashwagandha plant are also known to be beneficial in treating ulcers, leucoderma and scabies, they have also been applied topically to heal skin sores and reduce swelling.

In Ayurvedic classics, Ashwagandha is indicated for Murchha (syncope), Apasmara (epilepsy), Shosha (cachexia), Unmada (mania/psychosis) including skin conditions like Pramehapidika (diabetic carbuncle), Kushtha (diseases of skin), Kilasa (vitiligo). In addition, Ashwagandha, in the form of a paste of boiled leaves and roots, is considered to have wound-healing abilities in Ayurveda.

Although there is scientific evidence available for use of Ashwagandha in skin and hair health, further exploration of its root extract via robust randomized clinical trials is required. In this present study we plan to evaluate and compare efficacy of Ashwagandha oral formulation with an identical placebo.

Effect of Anti-tubercular Therapy on Gut Microbiota

Dr. VK Sashindran

Anti-tubercular therapy (ATT) is a combination drug therapy of potent antimicrobials acting by different mechanisms and being exhibited for a prolonged duration to effect TB cure. Typically, therapy is given for 6 -9 months depending on the clinical scenario. The effect of such prolonged exposure to antimicrobials on gut microbiota is not known. The quantum of change and the reversibility of change are not known.

This study assesses the gut microbiota of tuberculosis patients hailing from a similar socioeconomic status and with similar dietary habits before starting ATT. We also plan to assess changes in gut microbiota of the cohort after completion of the intensive phase of treatment and at the end of ATT, and check for regeneration of original microbial flora after 6 m of completion of ATT.

Changes in gut microbiota can trigger low-grade gut immune activation. Immune activation at gut level is known to trigger inflammation. This study will act as a preliminary study to test the hypothesis of irreversible gut microbial change caused by ATT. It will serve as the basis of further studies on inflammation and utility of probiotics to mitigate the gut microbial change.

A Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Crossover Study to Evaluate Efficacy of EnXtra on Accuracy & Reaction Time, Perceived Alertness & Digital Fatigue for Video Gamers

Dr. Deepak Langade

Video gaming is one of the most popular contemporary recreational activities as it has shown several benefits for human health. It is also emerging as an area of research focusing on how they impact the cognitive processes. Playing video games requires rapid processing of sensory information and prompt action, forcing players to make decisions and execute responses at a far greater pace than is typical in everyday life. Therefore, reaction time to an external stimulus is a significant criterion to assess cognitive abilities.However, it remains unknown whether any reduction or moderation in reaction time (RT) really generalizes to tasks beyond video-game playing and, if it does, whether it makes gamers more impulsive and prone to making error. Many botanical ingredients, such as eleuthero, gingko, ginseng, rosemary, peppermint,oats, and basil, are traditionally reported to improve cognitive performance. One such ingredient namely, Alpinia galanga (Thai ginger) has been reported to improve cognitive Sr Study Investigators Details Remarks Background Image properties in preclinical studies. A galanga is generally used as a culinary spice. Also, its traditional use is well documented for the treatment of various diseases due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hypoglycemic, anti-allergic, antimicrobial, gastroprotective, antioxidant, antiplatelet, anticancer, immune-stimulatory, and cholesterol reducing effects.Although A galanga has been reported to improve cognitive performance in animals, it has not been thoroughly studied for its potential psychostimulant effect in humans.This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study will assess the efficacy
of A galanga extract (EnXtra) on accuracy & reaction time, perceived alertness & digital fatigue for video gamers

Evaluation of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) Standardized Extract for its effect on quality of life (QoL) in patients during post-COVID19 period: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

Dr. Abhay Uppe / Dr. Girija Nair

Many patients develop post-COVID19 clinical sequelae after resolution of the acute infection like severe weakness and psychological problems adding a huge burden on the healthcare infrastructure, worsened Quality of Life(QoL) and increase the morbidity and mortality. Ashwagandha extract is an adaptogen that could be a potential indigenous remedy to improve QoL and help in faster post-COVID19 recovery. This therapy has not been reported since the pandemic started. 

Adaptogens are herbs have stress-protective effect and help the body adapt by normalizing physiological processes as it acts on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and also controls mediators accountable for stress response. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal) is a member of Solanaceae family of plants known for eradicating fatigue, maintaining general well-being and improving vitality. Pharmacological studies have confirmed that Ashwagandha is a multipurpose herb and has multiple benefits including anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, adaptogenic, memory-enhancing,

hematopoietic, anxiolytic properties. It has been reported to improve quality of life in various conditions

Effectiveness of home-based cardiac tele-rehabilitation delivered via smartphone application and smart wearables among elderly patients with cardiac disease in India; a single- blind randomized controlled tria

Dr. VK Sashindran

According to the National Statistical Office (NSO)’s Elderly in India 2021, India’s elderly population (aged 60 and above) is projected to touch 194 million in 2031, up from 138 million in 2021, a 41% increase over a decade. CVD is the leading cause of mortality in

Elderly patients hospitalized with an acute cardiac event have higher rates of physical frailty, poor quality of life, delayed recovery & frequent rehospitalisation. Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) is an evidence-based interventional program that includes behavioural
modification with patient education, exercise training, medication adherence and regular counselling to improve secondary outcomes in older persons with cardiovascular disease.However, the participation rate in CR programs is reportedly low globally & particularly in a country like India due to barriers in access to the CR centre.

Elderly patients from disadvantaged sections of the society in India face several financial and non-financial hurdles to continuing participation in hospital-based rehabilitation programs. Hence, there is a growing need to incorporate a home-based, supervised tele-rehabilitation program to improve participation among elderly in India.

This study will address this issue and provide strategy and measures to improvemonitoring of elderly patients.

Short- and long-term effects of Tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis with Isoniazid on gut microbiome and cellular immunity in children with latent tuberculosis infection

Dr. Nikhil Sarangdhar / Dr. VK Sashindran

Global prevalence of Latent TB infection (LTBI) is nearly 33% with a 5–10% lifetime risk of reactivation of TB. It has been observed that if LTBI remains untreated in children, there is a high chance of them developing active disease.

TB chemoprophylaxis by Isoniazid is recommended in patients of LTBI to prevent progression to active disease. But it also affects the gut microbiome by elimination of specific bacterial populations leading to suppression of cell-mediated immunity. These
effects are still unclear.

This study, the first of its kind globally, aims to document the Short- and long-term effects of Isoniazid chemoprophylaxis on the gut microbiome along with direct as well as indirect changes in cellular immunity in children with LTBI. It will also provide insight into efficacy of chemoprophylaxis in LTBI and its long-term implications.

Cardioprotective Role of HIF-1α In Congenital Heart Diseas

Dr. Priyanka Mirdha / Dr. VK Sashindran

Children born with heart conditions often suffer from a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood. This is a consequence of the right to left shunt present in the heart that also might alter the level of HIF-1alpha.

The levels of HIF-1Alpha might also change after corrective measures are applied clinically. However, the exact role and change in levels of HIF-1Alpha in pre-and post-treatment with such cardiac conditions still remain unclear.This study is being done in collaboration with Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

The primary aim of the study is to determine the levels of HIF-1Alpha in patients with congenital heart disease before and after the corrective measures. This will help us understand the various parameters responsible for the change in the levels of HIF-1Alpha.With this study, we also would try to understand the role of HIF-1Alpha and other associated factors in patient outcome post corrective measures and determine its

prognostic value.

Effect of commonly used psychotropic drugs on the gut- brain axis in Sprague-Dawley rats

Dr. Deepak Langade / Dr. Azra Naseem

The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional pathway wherein there is an influence of the gut microbiome on the neurotransmitters in the brain and vice versa. This can alter appetite,cognition, and emotions, along with contributing to or preventing psychiatric disorders like depression or schizophrenia. Drugs leading to an increase or decrease in the gut microbiome can alter the levels of the brain neurotransmitters that can have an impact on the treatment outcome of psychiatric disorders.

The primary aim of this study is to check the effect of anti-psychotic and anti-depressants drugs on the composition of gut microbes and also check the subsequent change in the brain neurotransmitter levels. The gut microbiome in rats is very similar to humans making this an appropriate model to check the impact of psychotropic drugs on the gut-brain axis.This study will act as a guide to further plan studies on humans that would help clinicians modulate the treatment of psychiatric disorders for optimal clinical response.

Correlation Of Induced Sputum Eosinophil Counts With Fractional Concentration Of Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FENO) And Lung Function In Patients With Asthma

Dr. Shahid Patel / Dr. Girija Nair

Asthma is defined by respiratory symptoms like wheeze, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough that vary over time and in intensity, together with variable expiratory airflow limitation. As most of the lung function tests remain normal in a stable patient,
asthma remains a clinical diagnosis depending on the physician. Fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is a novel non-invasive modality that detects and quantifies airway inflammation thereby assisting the physician in making a diagnosis of asthma with a high level of confidence. FENO contributes to the diagnosis of asthma in several ways including assessing the cause of respiratory symptoms, potential response to anti-inflammatory drugs, and guiding changes to the dose of steroids.

With this rationale, we would be conducting this study to find the baseline eosinophils count in induced sputum, pulmonary function, and FENO in asthma patients and to study the change in the above parameters after 3 months and 6 months of taking drugs for

DNA methylation patterns in obese adults

Dr. Mumtaz Sharif

Obesity is a major threat to life expectancy and quality of life for both the current and future generations. Obesity increases the risk of comorbidities like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer leading to more financial burden as well. Genetic predisposition has been demonstrated to have a substantial role in obesity, however, these genetic variations do not explain the massive growth in obesity over the last few decades more so in covid times. Evidence suggests that modern lifestyle, high intake of energy-dense food, sedentary lifestyle, and other environmental factors also contribute to the rising rates of obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to look beyond genetics and consider the influence of lifestyle factors and obesogenic environmental exposures and their
potential interactions with the genome i.e. epigenetics.

The most common epigenetic change studied in obese individuals is DNA methylation.Some studies have shown global DNA hypomethylation in blood and adipose tissue samples from obese individuals, while others reported global methylation. There are not
many studies done in India evaluating the epigenetic changes in obese individuals. With this rationale, we are doing this study to evaluate the DNA methylation pattern in obese individuals.

Prospective randomized comparative study to assess efficacy of King Vision Videolaryngoscope (KVL) and BPL videolaryngoscope (BPL VL) in patients with anticipated difficult airway undergoing surgery under general anesthesia.

Dr. Rochana Bakhsh

The procedure of intubation is performed daily in the operation theatre in patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia but comes up with problems whenever there is a difficult airway in cases of obesity, cervical spine instability, head face neck trauma, or protruded lower jaw. In such cases, a video laryngoscope helps in easy visualization of the airway, and the magnified image also helps identify the important anatomical structure and manipulate the device through it. The intubation process can be seen on a monitor, so it becomes an excellent teaching tool in medical institutes.

There are several video laryngoscopes available. Out of them, the King vision laryngoscope is being used at our institute but the shape of the KVL blade makes it difficult to insert and the detachable screen adds time to the intubation process and dependency on helping hands. BPL video laryngoscope device performs direct and video laryngoscopy. The shape of the blade and the different sizes available for the pediatric and neonate group adds to the advantage of using this. Also, it comes with a separately mounted LCD screen making intubation a single operator job. 

The primary aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of using King vision laryngoscope and BPL laryngoscope in anticipated difficult airway patients undergoing surgery under general anaesthesia by checking time taken for intubation, number of attempts and other hemodynamic parameters

Covid Research

Sr Year PI Title
1 2019 Ashwini Patankar Early clinical predictors of COVID-19
2 2019 Prachi Sankhe A prospective observational study of clinical characteristics and outcome of covid-19 patients admitted to tertiary care center in mumbai
3 2019 Pranav Modi COVID 19 (Corona virus disease 2019) awareness among health care professionals in India a Cross sectional studyy
4 2019 Pranav Modi Psychological responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the general population of India- A cross-sectional study
5 2019 Pranav Modi Knowledge of management guidelines for severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) in COVID-19 suspected cases among healthcare professionals- A Questionnaire Based Surveyy
6 2019 Pranav Modi COVID- 19 suspected cases: Clinical Characteristics and considerations for De-isolation in the ICU setting
7 2019 Saurabh Kothari Epidemiological profile, clinical features, radiological presentation and outcome of covid 19 patients in a Dedicated COVID hospital centre : an observational study
8 2019 Shreya Gudka Atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults
9 2019 Suhani Agrawal Knowledge and perceptions about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic and associated risk factors among Indian population: A questionnaire based cross sectional study
10 2020 Abhay Uppe A Randomized Open-Label Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Favipiravir And Umifenovir As Compared To Favipiravir Alone In Moderate Hospitalized Adult Indian Covid-19 Patients (Version 3.0 Dated 24-May-2020)
11 2020 Abhay Uppe A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial investigating the safety and efficacy of C21 in hospitalised subjects with COVID-19 infection not requiring mechanical ventilation [Angiotensin II Type Two Receptor Agonist COVID-19 Trial: The ATTRACT Trial]
12 2020 Abhay Uppe A Randomized, Open Label, Parallel Efficacy, Active Control, Multi-Centre Exploratory Drug Trial to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of an Ayurvedic Formulation as Adjunct Treatment to Standard of Care for the Management of Mild to Moderate COVID-19 patients
13 2020 Abhay Uppe A Phase IV Prospective Multi-Center, Open Label, Randomized Controlled Comparative Study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of enoxaparin and apixaban in patients hospitalized (but not yet intubated) with confirmed COVID-19
14 2020 Abhay Uppe,Deepak Langade Evaluation of Ashwagandha Standardized Extract for its effect on quality of life (QoL) in patients during post-COVID19 period: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
15 2020 Abhay Uppe,Pranav Modi Sequelae and complications in patients recovered from COVID-19: A longitudinal study
16 2020 Abhay Uppe, Pranav Modi A Phase IV Prospective Multi-Center, Open Label, Randomized Controlled Comparative Study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of enoxaparin and apixaban in patients hospitalized (but not yet intubated) with confirmed COVID-19
17 2020 Akash Jain Ophthalmic manifestation in COVID-19 patients on ventilator, A short term cross-sectional study at Designated Covid Health Care (DCHC)
18 2020 Amit Kumar Nohwa Serosurveillance Study To Estimate The Prevalence Of Covid 19 Asymptomatic Infection Among The Healthcare Workers In A Dedicated Covid Hospital (Dch) In Navi Mumbai : A Cross Sectional Study
19 2020 Amit Saxena A Study on the Interface between the Clinical and Psychological profile of police personnel admitted in covid ward
20 2020 Anant Patil, Hrithika Sharma , Tanushree T Knowledge, attitude and practice of self-medication during COVID-19 pandemic: A questionnaire based study
21 2020 Anaya Mukherjee Mortality Prediction Score of admitted covid -19 Patients
22 2020 Annanya M,Suranjana B Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine as primary prevention in healthcare workers working in COVID 19 hospital in Navi Mumba
23 2020 Anuprita Quality of life in healthy individuals in the post COVID-19 lockdown period in Indian urban population
24 2020 Ashwini Patankar Non-respiratory manifestations of COVID-19 in adults in Dedicated COVID Health center
25 2020 Ashwini Patankar Clinical symptomatology at admission and two-week in-hospital outcomes in COVID-19 suspects and confirmed cases in Dedicated COVID Health center
26 2020 Cassandra Carvalho & Haritosh Velanka Hydroxychloroquine Prophylaxis In Healthcare Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic
27 2020 Deepak Langade A prospective open label randomised phase-I seamlessly followed by phase-II study to assess the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of Biological E’s SARS-CoV-2 novel recombinant protein RBD subunit (COVID-19) vaccine administered intramuscularly in a two dose schedule (0, 28D) to healthy volunteers
28 2020 Faaria Ali, Manjyot gautam, Sharmila Patil Dermatoses amongst Healthcare Workers during Covid-19
29 2020 Gauravi Safety of hydroxycholoroquine for COVID-19 prophylaxis in healthcare workers : a survey based study
30 2020 Girija Na An Open Label, Randomized, Multicenter, Controlled Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Nafamostat Mesilate in the Treatment of Moderate COVID-19 Disease
31 2020 Girija Na An open label, multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Tablets of purified aqueous extract of Cocculus hirsutus in treatment of moderate COVID -19 disease
33 2020 Kanish An assessment of Psychological Stress in the covid 19 Pandemic: A questionnaire based study
34 2020 Kavitha,Vaishali,Prasa d Kakde,Shloka Hegde & Nimisha Quality of sleep pattern amidst Covid-19 pandemic: A cross sectional observational study among health care workers in a tertiary level teaching hospital
35 2020 Kavitha,Vaishali,Prasa d Kakde,Simona Chandwani The other Side of PPEs: A questionnaire based study among health care workers working in Covid setu
36 2020 Keertana Shetty Study on seroprevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID – 19) among health-care professionals and ancillary staff in a tertiary care hospital, Navi Mumbai.
37 2020 Keertana Shetty Study on seroprevalence of antibodies to SARS -cOv-2 (COVID -19) among health -care professionals and ancillary staff in a tertiary care hospital Navi Mumbai
38 2020 Nadeem Amin Comparison of different parameters (Radiological , Microbiological, Pathological and Biochemical diagnostic markers) among Covid 19 rapid antigen positive and patients with suspected influenza like illness (ILI) in Navi Mumbai
39 2020 Nita Shanbhag A Multicenter, Phase III, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Recombinant BCG VPM1002 in Reducing Infection Incidence and Disease Severity of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Among High-Risk Subjects
40 2020 Nita Shanbhag A Multicenter, Phase III, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Recombinant BCG VPM1002 in Reducing Infection Incidence and Disease Severity of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Among High-Risk Subjects
41 2020 Nita Shanbhag, Akash Jain Ophthalmic manifestation in COVID-19 patients on ventilator, A short term cross-sectional study at Designated Covid Health Care (DCHC)
42 2020 Nita Shanbhag, Akash Jain A questionnaire based study to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on ophthalmic clinical practice and to assess the ophthalmic manifestations of COVID-19 in current clinical practice
43 2020 Pramila Yadav A Retrospective cohort study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Tocilizumab in Hospitalized Participants with Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia.
44 2020 Pramila Yadav Retrospective Study of the Effects of Remdesivir in the Treatment of Covid-19 Infections
45 2020 Pramila Yadav A Prospective, Observational, Single arm, study to evaluate Efficacy and Safety Of Remdesivir in Hospitalized Adult Patients with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
46 2020 Pramila Yadav A Prospective, Open Label, Prospective, single centre Study to evaluate the Effects and Safety of Tocilizumab in Hospitalized Participants with Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia.
47 2020 Pranav Modi Use of Tocilizumab in COVID-19 confirmed cases – A single centre experience
48 2020 Pranav Modi Late onset of encephalitis in COVID-19 : A Case Report
49 2020 Pranav Modi Clinical follow up of patients with Covid-19 : A prospective study
50 2020 Pranav Modi Acute Exacerbation of Interstitial Lung disease due to covid-19 : A Case report
51 2020 Pranav Modi Risk factors for covid-19 related deaths – a retrospective study
52 2020 Preeti Pachpute The role of c- reactive protein (CRP) as biomarker in the early diagnosis of COVID 19 Disease
53 2020 Prithi Inamdar, Neelu Elon Study of psychological Impact of lifestyle changes and online class imposed due to COVID19 pandemic on urban school going children aged 7 to 15 years
54 2020 Rahul Peddawad, Swati Sonawane, Cherian Philemon Kurian, Rizwan AziZ Current secnario of corona cases (COVID-19) in tertiary care hospital, Navi Mumbai
55 2020 Rajesh Rai, Mumtaz Sharif, Amit Saxena (Dept Paediatrics)Anisha Langde (Dept of Phychiatry) Study on interface between the clinical and psychological profile of police personnel admitted in covid ward
56 2020 Rajesh Rai, Prithi Inamda, Neelu Elon A Study on Mental health in children of frontline police personnel hospitalised with moderate to severe Covid – 19
57 2020 Rhea Bahadur SOCIAL MEDIA BOON OR BANE DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEIC A Questionnaire based study
58 2020 Riddhi Shroff Effectiveness Of Early Core And Balance Exercises On Covid- 19 In Intensive Care Unit
59 2020 Riddhi Shroff Effectiveness Of Early Mobilization On Covid- 19 In Intensive Care Unit
60 2020 Rita Swaminathan Study of Microbial flora on mobile phones of Male and Female Health Care workers during COVID 19 Pandemic
61 2020 Rita Swaminathan Prospective study of bacterial & fungal flora on mobile phones of female & male health care workers in a tertiary care hospital in navi mumbai during covid pandemic
62 2020 Rita Swaminathan Comparison of knowledge ,proper using and compliance of different types of maskes used for protecation against COVID -19
63 2020 Rita swaminathan A Randomized Open-Label Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Favipiravir And Umifenovir As Compared To Favipiravir Alone In Moderate Hospitalized Adult Indian Covid-19 Patients (Version 3.0 Dated 24-May-2020)
64 2020 Siddharth Verma Lignocaine: Can it provide a low cost alternative to anti-inflammatory agents in management of COVID19 patients
65 2020 Sidharth Verma Lignocaine: Can it provide a low cost alternative to anti-inflammatory agents in management of COVID 19 patients?
66 2020 Sidharth Verma Lignocaine: Can it provide a low cost alternative to anti-inflammatory agents in management of COVID 19 patients?
67 2020 Sumedha Joshi , Deepa H Velankar ,Sumit Wasnik ,Sandeep Kasbe ,sheena Ann Mammen A Cross- sectational survey to study the level of awareness and the impact of the pandemic COVID 19 In the field practice area of the rural health center of a teaching hospital (D.Y. Patil School of Medicine Nerul Navi Mumbai)
68 2020 Titiksha Pol Effect Of Awake Prone Positioning In Covid 19 Patients In Icu
69 2020 Titiksha Pol Effect Of duration of Awake Prone Positioning In ICU admitted Covid 19 Patients
70 2020 Twinkle Dabholkar A Survey on Symptoms and functional status in COVID-19 positive patients in convalescent phase.
71 2020 Vaishali ,kavitha, Suhani agarwal ,Mahip deva Analytical study to evaluate the pattern of eating disorder amongst medical fraternity during COVID 19 pandemic
72 2020 Vaishali Thakare, Prachi S ,Deepak Langade Drug Utilization in Covid positive hospitalized patient in tertiary care teaching hospital
73 2020 Violet Pinto Mental health status , its epidemiological correlates and stress coping strategies of healthcare workers during COVID 19 pandemic.
74 2021 Abdul Quadir Role Of MRI Brain In Post-Covid Neurological Complications
75 2021 Abdul Quadir Role of MRI brain in post-covid neurological complications
76 2021 Abhay Uppe Evaluation of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) Standardized Extract for its effect on quality of life (QoL) in patients during post-COVID19 period: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
77 2021 Abhay Uppe A Randomized, Open Label 2-Treatment Group Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose as an adjunctive therapy to standard of care, in comparison to standard of care alone, in the Acute Treatment of moderate to severe COVID 19 patients
78 2021 Abhay Uppe A Phase 3, Prospective, Open Label, Randomized, Multicenter, Parallel Study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Molnupiravir capsules when administered along with Standard of Care compared to Standard of Care alone in Indian patients with mild COVID-19 disease
79 2021 Abhay Uppe A Phase 2/3 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy Safety and Tolerability of Orally Administered PF-07321332/ritonavir in Non-Hospitalized Participants with COVID-19 Who Are at Increased Risk for Progression to Severe Disease
80 2021 Abhay Uppe An Interventional Efficacy And Safety, Phase 2/3, Randomized, Double-Blind, 2 Arm Study To Investigate Orally Administered Pf 07321332/Ritonavir Compared With Placebo In Nonhospitalized Symptomatic Adult Participants With Covid-19 Who Are At Low Risk Of Progressing To Severe Illness
81 2021 Abhay Uppe Evaluation of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) Standardized Extract for its effect on quality of life (QoL) in patients during post-COVID19 period: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
82 2021 Abhilash Srivastava Incidence of COVID-19 in patients undergoing Anti-tuberculosis treatment in Orthopaedics
83 2021 Akash Jain Ophthalmic manifestation in COVID-19 patients on ventilator, A short term cross-sectional study at Designated Covid Health Care (DCHC)
84 2021 Alisha Patil Pregnancy Related Anxiety during COVID-19 in India: A Questionnaire based Study
85 2021 Alisha Sanjay Patil Stigma, Attitude & Coping Mechanisms In Healthcare Workers Towards The COVID 19 Pandemic
86 2021 Amit Nagpal National Clinical Registry of COVID – 19
87 2021 Anagha Worlikar Assessment of Physiological Cost Index, fatigue severity and functional status in post COVID patients
88 2021 Anisha Landge A Comparative Study Assessing Coping Strategies In Psychiatric Patients Versus Normal Individuals During The COVID-19 Pandemic In India
89 2021 Bharati Kulkarni Effects of add on Cinnamomum Camphora and Ajwain inhalation to the standard treatment on oxygen saturation in patients with COVID-19: A prospective study
90 2021 Debapriya Das Choudhury Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Regarding Use Of Personal Protective Equipment Among Health-Care Workers With Regards To COVID- 19
91 2021 Deepak Langade A Phase IV Open-Label, Non-Randomized, Multi-Cohort, Multicenter Study in Previously Unvaccinated Immunocompromised Adults to Determine the Immunogenicity and Safety of AZD1222 Vaccine for the Prevention of COVID-19
92 2021 Deepali Vidhate A Retrospective study on the clinical and biochemical profiling of COVID -19 patients
93 2021 Dhruvi Patel Dhruvi Effect of Yoga (Pranayama) and Deep Breathing on Pulmonary Function Tests in Post COVID Patients using tele rehabilitation
95 2021 Harshitha Degapoodi Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing In Patients Undergoing Post Covid Evaluation
96 2021 Jaspreet Kaur Observational study to correlate CT severity index with clinical and laboratory disease spectrum in covid-19 patients in tertiary care hospital
97 2021 Jaspreet Kaur Radiological Evaluation Of Spectrum Of Vascular Complications In Covid-19 Disease
98 2021 Jigyasa Regmi Study of clinical profile and biochemical abnormalities of liver function in covid-19 : A retrospective study
99 2021 Jigyasa Regmi Study of clinical profile and liver function in covid-19
100 2021 Kavitha Krishanan A Retrospective, Observational case report of Chryseobacterium gleum isolated from patient infected with COVID19
101 2021 Manas Bhanushali Evaluation of post covid lung indices, functional capacity and oxygen desaturation using spirometry DLCO and 6MWT. as my thesis topic
102 2021 Mohammed Dungarpurwala Observational study to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on Peripheral vascular disease
103 2021 Prachi Sankhe Innate immune evasion by COVID-19: Evaluation of role of immune sensors in disease progression in children and adults
104 2021 Prachi Sankhe Virological and Immunological investigation of prolong shedding of SARS-CoV2 in fecal sample of COVID-19 in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic patients
105 2021 Pramila Yadav Perceptions about COVID-19 vaccine in general population: a questionnaire based study
106 2021 Pranav Modi Lung Function Parameters of patients undergoing Post-Covid follow up
107 2021 Pranav Modi Six-minute walk test in Post-COVID19 patients: An observational study
108 2021 Renuka Indurkar High Resolution Computed Tomography And RT-PCR Correlation For Diagnosis Of Covid-19
109 2021 Rohit Sane Outcomes of conservatively treated intertrochanteric femur fractures with calcium and vitamin D, in middle age group during the COVID pandemic
110 2021 Sachin Kale Outcomes of conservatively treated intertrochanteric femur fractures with calcium and vitamin D, in middle age group during the COVID pandemic
111 2021 Sachin Kale Financial ignorance among orthopaedic surgeons: A survey in COVID 19 era
112 2021 Sachin Kale CovidSurg-3: Outcomes of surgery in COVID-19 infection
113 2021 Sayed Ali Huda A retrospective observational study of COVID-19 in patients of diabetes vs non-diabetes in a tertiary care centre
114 2021 Shravan Patil HRCT pattern in follow up cases of covid 19 pneumonia- a retrospective study
115 2021 shruti Joshi Retrospective observational study to analyze the vaccine status and its correlation with disease severity and outcome in patients admitted in covid ICU
116 2021 sushmit kafle Mucormycosis In Covid-19: A Systematic Review Of Cases Reported In Dy Patil Hospital Correlation With Comorbidities.
117 2021 Sushmit Singh Ascertaining the effect of COVID 19 on the delay of surgeries in orthopaedic patients
118 2021 Sushmit Singh Observational study to analyze the incidence Of Avascular Necrosis in Post-Covid 19 Patients with corticosteroid therapy
119 2021 Violet Pinto Study on COVID appropriate behavior and complacency in urban population following COVID 19 vaccination
120 2021 Yogesh Dabholkar Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Education: A Questionnaire based study
121 2021 Zainab Khanum Airani Correlation of D-dimer with Neutrophil-Lymphocyte ratio and Hemoglobin in severe COVID-19: A retrospective study
123 2022 AKARSHAN Study of incidence of ophthalmo-thrombolytic manifestations in post covid patients with increased inflammatory markers
124 2022 ANIRUDDH SHRINGARE A study on Long COVID - 19 syndrome in post -vaccinated young healthcare professionals.
125 2022 FIONA MOHAPATRO Assessment of psychological symptoms and behavioural problems in school going children on rejoining school post COVID-19 pandemic in India
127 2022 HEMANT MEHTA Clinical, biochemical and radiological profile of COVID-19 patients: Retrospective Cohort study
128 2022 MUKTA JAIN Adverse drug reactions following COVID-19 vaccination: : A retrospective analysis
129 2022 PRACHI SANKHE Observational Study to Analyse the Pattern of Patients Presenting to Fever OPD During COVID-19 Pandemic
130 2022 RAJ SAWANT Burnout among resident doctors during covid-19 pandemic
131 2022 SACHIN KALE Financial burden of covid-19 on residents and surgeons
132 2022 SUMEDHA SHINDE Voluntary blood donation in Navi Mumbai- experience in COVID pandemic

COVID Publications

Sr Title of Paper Name of the Author/s Name of Journal Year
1 COVID-19 Awareness Among Healthcare Students and Professionals in Mumbai Metropolitan Region: A Questionnaire-Based Survey Pranav D. Modi , Girija Nair , Abhay Uppe , Janhavi Modi , Balaji Tuppekar , Amit S. Gharpure , Deepak Langade Cureus 2019
2 Indian Society for study of pain Position Statement for pain Medicine parctice during the COVID Pandemic Shidarth Varma, pankaj surnage ,Kailas Kothari, Naveen Malhotra, Babita Ghai ,Ashu Jain ,Gaurav Sharma, GN Goyal, Swaty Bhat, Sovan Rath, Hetesh Patel Indian journal of Pain 2020
3 Unique challenges & opportunities faced by pain practitioner during Covid 19 Babita Ghai & Siddharth Verma Indian journal of Pain 2020
4 Fatality in COVID 19: an overview of causes of death and organ involvement Shivangi Garima, Nihaal Singh International Journal of Advances in Medicine 2020
5 Urticaria and its management in the context of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) Kiran Godse, Anant Patil. Gauri Godse Indian Journal of Clinical and experimental Dermatology 2020
6 Acroischemia in a Patient with Tracheostomy in COVID-19: A Case Report Acroischemia in a Patient with Tracheostomy in COVID-19: A Case Report Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 2020
7 COVID19 Infection in Health Care Professionals: Risks, Work-Safety and Psychological Issues Yogesh G. Dabholkar, Bhagyashree Ajit Sagane, Twinkle Y. Dabholkar, ShivaKumar Divity Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2020
8 Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis in healthcare workers during the covid-19 Cassana Carvalho , Haritosh K Velankar , Yessu Krishna Shetty International Journal Of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research 2020
9 COVID-19 and Management of Severe Acute Repiratory Infection (SARI): A Questionnaire - Based Study Among Indian Health Pofessionals Ashwini Patankar,Pranav Modi, Abhay Uppe,Balaji Tupekar, Santwana Chankar, Girija Nair, Surekha Patil,Deepak Langade Among Indian Health Pofessionals 2020
10 Efficacy of Hdroxlyle Chloroquine as Primary Prevention in Health Care Worker in COVID- 19 Hospita Anannya Mukherji, Suranjana Basak, Archana Bhate, Shwetab Roy International Journal of Sceintific Research 2020
11 COVID-19 and concerns related to self- medication. Internationa Patil Anant, Sharma H, Tetarbe T Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 2020
12 COVID-19 awareness among healthcare students and professionals in Mumbai metropolitan region: a questionnaire-based surve PD Modi, G Nair, A Uppe, J Modi, B Tuppekar, AS Gharpure, D Langade Cureus 2020
13 Hand Hygiene: All Time, but More So NOW for Protection From COVID-19 Anant Patil, Deepak Langade DYPJHS 2020
14 Urticaria and its management in the context of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19). Anant Patil, Kiran Godse, Gauri Godse IP Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2020
15 COVID-19 and Management of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI): A Questionnaire- Based Study Among Indian Healthcare Professionals Ashwini Patankar, Pranav Modi, Abhay Uppe, Balaji Tuppekar, Santwana Chanakar, Girija Nair, Surekha Patil, Deepak Langade Current Health Sciences Journal 2020
16 COVID-19 Awareness Among Healthcare Students and Professionals in Mumbai Metropolitan Region: A Questionnaire-Based Survey Pranav D. Modi, Girija Nair, Abhay Uppe, Janhavi Modi, Balaji Tuppekar, Amit S. Gharpure, Deepak Langade Cureus Journal of Medical Science 2020
17 Management of Acute Appendicitis in Covid Pandemic- A prospective study of 25 cases Abhishek Mahadik, Meena Kumar, Nida Khan, Manish Kumar & Meenal Mapari Global Journal of Medical Research- Surgeries and Cardiovascular system 2020
18 Cross-sectional Survey to Study the Awareness and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Field Practice Area of the Rural Health Centre of a Teaching Hospital Sumedha Joshi, Deepa Velankar, Sumit Wasnik, Sheena Ann Memman Annals of Community Health (AoCH) 2021
19 The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management and course of chronic urticaria Kiran Godse Allergy-Wiley online library 2021
20 A Review On The Post-mortem Findings Of Covid-19 Patient Rahul Peddawad JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE SCIENCE AND LAW P57-60 2021
21 Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome post- COVID 19: A new emerging entity Dr Vijay Sonawane, Dr V Kotrashetti, Dr Kapil Bainade, Dr V Trisha, Dr Saili, Dr Saniya Indian journal of Case Reports 2021
22 Case Report: Reversible blurred vision with Hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19 patient Pramila Yadav, Pradnya Deolekar TNOA Journal of Ophthalmic science and research 2021
23 Could Isotretinoin be a protective agent against COVID-19?:A dermatologist perspective Abdelmaksoud A, Patil A, Dursun R, Temiz SA, Ayhan E, Goldust M, Vestita M Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 2021
24 Evaluation of post-COVID functional capacity and oxygen desaturation using 6-minute walk test- An observational study Pranav Modi, Sandhya Kulkarni, Girija Nair, Rhea Kapur, Soham Chaudhary, Deepak Langade, Abhay Uppe European Respiratory Journal 2021
25 Excessive yawning during COVID-19 lockdown in a child. Anant Patil, Sunil Patil, Pritish Shinde International J Cur Res and Rev 2021
26 Knowledge and awareness of general population during COVID-19: A cross sectional survey based study. Agarwal S, Patil A, Thakare V EJPMR 2021
27 Knowledge, attitude and practice of self- medication during covid-19 pandemic: a questionnaire based study. Sharma H, Patil A, Tetarbe T EJPMR 2021
28 Lung function indices in patients undergoing post-COVID assessment- An observational study Pranav Modi, Sandhya Kulkarni, Girija Nair, Rhea Kapur, Soham Chaudhary, Deepak Langade, Abhay Uppe European Respiratory Journal 2021
29 Social media and its impact during covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional questionnaire based study. Anant Patil, Rhea Bahadur, Vaishali Thakare EJPMR 2021
30 Clinical profile of 116 patients undergoing post- COVID follow-up - A prospective study P Modi, A Patankar, M Bhanushali, S Patel, G Nair, D Langade, A Uppe ERJ Open Research 2021
31 Late Onset Post-COVID Fibrosis - A Case Report P Modi, B Tuppekar, G Nair, and A Uppe ATS Journals 2021